Thursday, April 16, 2009

grownups and freedom

Grown ups have freedom (Duh!). It's not exactly what I want to blog about. I think most parents have a problem with giving their kids freedom. Oh come on, admit it! Anyway, this post is mainly for parents. Even if you're a single parent, normal parent or parent-to-be. Point of view or confession from a teen. Actually legally I'm an adult.. but I am still living and dependent on my parents. So I'm still referring myself as a teenager (or I'm in denial! lol).

It's about time I went to my point. I'm crapping too much. Here goes..

I'm actually very fortunate to have parents who care about me enough to be protective over me. I admit every parents need to be protective. It's a part of nature anyway. A tigress would kill anyone who goes near her cubs. It's parental instinct and is understandable if not acceptable. But being over-protective is another thing.

With all due respect, I hope you don't get offended when I say it is annoying. Why do I say so? Us, teens (teens meaning aged 13-18), mind has developed a lot since we've been in primary school. Shouldn't parents begin trusting us already? If not, then when? I'm not saying as parents you shouldn't worry. I'm saying that parents should be confident with how they've raised their kids to be reliable and trustworthy.

If you're worried that your kids might be mixing with the wrong crowd, take the liberty to encourage your kids to bring their friends over once in a while. So you'd be able to see what kind of crowd your child is hanging out with. I'm pretty sure most parents would've also taught their kids what kind of people they should mix with and what to not. Also, use your own judgment on your child's character and thinking. There are some teens who mature faster than other. Not trusting them to find a good circle of friends is an insult to their intelligence. Again, this is how it gets annoying.

Another point I want to make clear. Never accuse your kid for anything. You might be thinking, "Who are you to tell me what to do? You're not even a parent." I want to remind you again these are all confessions from a teenage mind. My only hope is that parents begin to TRY to see through their kids eyes. Back to my point. Do NOT accuse your kid of going to a cyber cafe when they haven't. Do NOT accuse your kid of lying if you don't know for sure. This will only spark flames. AND you can forget your kid ever telling you anything anymore. Serious. Think about it. What if someone accuses you of something you didn't do? Wouldn't you feel offended, if not irritated? Try not to aggravate your kid. Unless of course you see (see with your own eyes not some proof-less news from someone) your kid doing something they're not suppose to. Then of course, I have no objection with you carrying out any forms of punishments which you feel suitable.

Us, teens know our parents worry. But, please allow space for us to grow (I didn't mean physically). Of course don't expect us to be the perfect daughter or son. We're humans. People screw up once in a while. You can't protect us forever. You can't always prevent us from making mistakes. Only try to prevent us from making the BIG ones.