Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Finding myself

Recently I've had this huge fetish over black and white pictures. I've got no idea why!
I like how a particular black and white picture needs no other colours to exhibit their beauty just by how the photo captured the light.
Hmm...It kind of explains why I don't like colourful things too. Hah
I really do think a picture describes a thousand words.
I can't seem to convey my impression on this broken piano keys.
It seems to be whispering something to me.
I just haven't heard it yet.

ot exactly black and white, but again I like how the light hits the stairs.
The leaves on the stairs portrays how relatively advanced in age this particular flight of stairs is.
Representing, wisdom and knowledge?

It made me wonder what was up the stairs.

So my life is like this picture, I can't see exactly whats up ahead of it. I would think?

Reading my books today I wondered (not day dreamed okay? I finished my essay),
I wondered where I would be 10 years from now.
People would tell me, "Oh you're studying law now, naturally you're gonna be a practicing lawyer."

If you asked me 7 months ago I would have told you with full confidence that I would one day be a barrister .
Right now I'm not so sure..

"I was wondering if you could help me find my way," Alice said.

"That would depend on where you want to get to," replied the Cheshire cat.

"It really doesn't matter, as long as..." Alice answered.

"Then it really doesn't matter which way you go," the Cheshire cat answered.

I plucked that from Alice in Wonderland.
It's a children's classic story but I think it holds quite a lot of philosophies.
I like it because of it's randomness.

I really should find myself again.

Monday, June 8, 2009

What turns me on.

He holds it in his arms, a firm yet gentle grip, his expression paints a face full of concentration in what he is doing, a thousand and one things on his mind, what to do? Where next? His eyes shine of curiosity and intense interest to continue what he started, to finish what he started, with nothing else on his mind. He closes his eyes for a while to picture how he wants to see it, then he opens them again to continue.

Yeah, a guy reading a book turns me on.

Reading is somewhat an extinct hobby, in my opinion. In this era of technology and computers, nobody reads anymore! I went to MPH bookstore recently and realized how it is a rare sight for a teenage boy to read. Hence, the sight of a boy, whose thoughts are deeply buried in a book is... sexy~

Bet you're thinking, 'oh gawd, she's a nerd!' Call me what you want, but I love reading and I really think people should start resurrecting that dead hobby.

Reading books are like.. you having the power to direct your own movies without having to pay for a crew, rent a set, and all the other stuff directors need. Your brain is your film role, your eyes are your camera lenses, and the whole scene is playing in your thoughts!

Life's just too short. You don't have time to experience or try for every career in the world. It doesn't give you the time and the privilege to travel to every single country, city, town or county there is in the world. Books are like your first class tickets there! To do what you want, to feel what it's like (well, providing if you've got imagination in the first place), to explore into the minds of other people =)

I'm not promoting for any bookstores if that's what you had in mind. But I seriously encourage reading cause I don't see why people don't like reading.

A guy who can make use of his imagination is totally... hot! I really admire guys who aren't afraid to dream and take the time to read books, from cover to cover. Not many guys do. They usually just wait for the movie to come out. Correct?




Pick up a book today! =D You might not know what chick you've attracted =P

Monday, May 18, 2009

love cycle

There are times when you feel like you're totally in love with someone, and that you want to give your all to that person you feel something special for.

Yet you fail to consider what happens when your love for that person runs out. Let's say that I'm interested in a guy. What happens when my interest runs out? So the obvious question that would be asked when that happens is.

"Did I couple with the right person?"

Commonly asked question but usually kept to self or shared with friends. Right? Which idiot would ask his/her partner that >.< Coming back to my point.

Every relationship has a cycle. In the beginning, you fell in love with your partner. You anticipated their call, to hear their voice, wanted their touch and blind to all their unconventional behaviors or habits. In other words you were willing to ignore their idiosyncrasies.

Falling in love wasn't difficult, was it? It was a completely natural, spontaneous and passive experience. You didn't have to DO anything, it just happened. That's why it is called FALLING in love. It implies that you were just standing there, doing nothing, and something came along and it happened.

After a while, the euphoria you two had together fades. It's a natural cycle of every relationship. Slowly, but surely, phone calls grow less, touch is not always welcomed (if it even happens) and your partner's idiosyncrasies become an annoyance, instead of being cute. So... this is when people start cheating on their partners.

Not saying that you couldn't fall in love with someone else. You could. But it's only temporary. You'd end up in the same situation, in due time. It's a sick cycle.


I think the key to succeeding in a relationship is not finding the right person. It's learning to love the person you've found.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What am I spreading?

I'm here for a different reason today. For once I am here to spread hairpenis!

No.. no typo anywhere.

Yes... I was serious about hairpenis =/

If you didn't get what I'm trying to get through here, try reading it outloud.

Here say it with me...

"I am looking for hair-penis."

Get it yet???


I meant happiness.. Get it get it???? Hair penis, happiness??? Cute right!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Who says?

Here's a short short story. About a bird and her partner =)
I cried. When I read it.
Hope it touches you like it did me.

Little sparrow swooped too low...and got hit by a car.
She sits on the sidewalk, unable to fly.

Her partner hears her cry and flew down to her aid.

Unfortunately he could not carry her.
He couldn't help her.

Realising she was about to stop breathing, he called out to her.

Finally, her heart stops.
He grieves over his partners death.

And stays by her side...


And who said animals do not have feelings?