Wednesday, April 15, 2009

breast rash?

I got this e-mail from a friend. Saying that females should wash their bras after purchasing them before using it, men too if they want to wear bras. Observe what happens if you don't!

Okie the one on the left is a picture of a lotus seeds. The one on the right is a picture "of a woman's breast infested with maggots" Gross?

I think with the wonders of photoshop nowadays, everyone can edit or make nothing look like something. Or make something look like nothing. Like blemishes.

It's gross if you believe the maggot thing is real. But I highly doubt it. The story holds certain "information" that is really... unbelievable. I don't find it convincing. At all.

"Susan McKinley noticed a very strange rash on her left breast. Nobody knew what it was and she quickly dismissed it believing that the holes would leave in time. She decided to see a doctor after she started developing an intense pain."

Out of that context. D'you notice anything weird? "Nobody knew what it was.." So means she went around showing her breasts off to people? "She quickly dismissed it...holes would leave in time." Wouldn't you get your lazy ass straight to the hospital if there were holes in your breasts?????

"She decided to bandage her sores. After few weeks, see doctor, delay bla bla bla... she removed the bandages to find larvae growing and squirming within the pores and sores of her breasts."

She doesn't change her bandage daily?? No wonder got larvae..

So like... don't get scammed by these hoax e-mails. Seriously. I feel very offended that people test my intellect by typing these types of e-mail. Even though, I'm assuming.. they meant well.

Ladies.. Though this is not a real breast infection. Please. Wash your undergarments after purchase. I didn't type this to encourage negligence of hygiene.


^ TIFF ^ said...

Oh man~ what total bull..lolz..

A forensic scientist, not to mention a SPM student too could tell that it's utterly impossible !

Wanna create a story to scare the sh*t out of people also must have to be logic right??

I'm so gonna spread this dumb-ass crap~..rofl.

Anyhow, peace out ~

strawberry said...

well..i expected a 'nicer' picture when u mentioned 'i added pictures too!'..XP..anywayz..maggots don't just simply lay eggs in bras unless there were something decaying in it..rightt?

Miss Critical said...

lol maybe the bra stank real bad =P

ooh! thankx tiff! nice to get affirmative comment from a future DOCTOR! =P

glad you two see it my way ;)

It's Zoe. said...

Lol, i never noticed it looked like lotus seeds 0o

Lynette said...

dude dis is jz d sickst sht i'v evr seen (evn if its nt real)