Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Finding myself

Recently I've had this huge fetish over black and white pictures. I've got no idea why!
I like how a particular black and white picture needs no other colours to exhibit their beauty just by how the photo captured the light.
Hmm...It kind of explains why I don't like colourful things too. Hah
I really do think a picture describes a thousand words.
I can't seem to convey my impression on this broken piano keys.
It seems to be whispering something to me.
I just haven't heard it yet.

ot exactly black and white, but again I like how the light hits the stairs.
The leaves on the stairs portrays how relatively advanced in age this particular flight of stairs is.
Representing, wisdom and knowledge?

It made me wonder what was up the stairs.

So my life is like this picture, I can't see exactly whats up ahead of it. I would think?

Reading my books today I wondered (not day dreamed okay? I finished my essay),
I wondered where I would be 10 years from now.
People would tell me, "Oh you're studying law now, naturally you're gonna be a practicing lawyer."

If you asked me 7 months ago I would have told you with full confidence that I would one day be a barrister .
Right now I'm not so sure..

"I was wondering if you could help me find my way," Alice said.

"That would depend on where you want to get to," replied the Cheshire cat.

"It really doesn't matter, as long as..." Alice answered.

"Then it really doesn't matter which way you go," the Cheshire cat answered.

I plucked that from Alice in Wonderland.
It's a children's classic story but I think it holds quite a lot of philosophies.
I like it because of it's randomness.

I really should find myself again.

Monday, June 8, 2009

What turns me on.

He holds it in his arms, a firm yet gentle grip, his expression paints a face full of concentration in what he is doing, a thousand and one things on his mind, what to do? Where next? His eyes shine of curiosity and intense interest to continue what he started, to finish what he started, with nothing else on his mind. He closes his eyes for a while to picture how he wants to see it, then he opens them again to continue.

Yeah, a guy reading a book turns me on.

Reading is somewhat an extinct hobby, in my opinion. In this era of technology and computers, nobody reads anymore! I went to MPH bookstore recently and realized how it is a rare sight for a teenage boy to read. Hence, the sight of a boy, whose thoughts are deeply buried in a book is... sexy~

Bet you're thinking, 'oh gawd, she's a nerd!' Call me what you want, but I love reading and I really think people should start resurrecting that dead hobby.

Reading books are like.. you having the power to direct your own movies without having to pay for a crew, rent a set, and all the other stuff directors need. Your brain is your film role, your eyes are your camera lenses, and the whole scene is playing in your thoughts!

Life's just too short. You don't have time to experience or try for every career in the world. It doesn't give you the time and the privilege to travel to every single country, city, town or county there is in the world. Books are like your first class tickets there! To do what you want, to feel what it's like (well, providing if you've got imagination in the first place), to explore into the minds of other people =)

I'm not promoting for any bookstores if that's what you had in mind. But I seriously encourage reading cause I don't see why people don't like reading.

A guy who can make use of his imagination is totally... hot! I really admire guys who aren't afraid to dream and take the time to read books, from cover to cover. Not many guys do. They usually just wait for the movie to come out. Correct?




Pick up a book today! =D You might not know what chick you've attracted =P

Monday, May 18, 2009

love cycle

There are times when you feel like you're totally in love with someone, and that you want to give your all to that person you feel something special for.

Yet you fail to consider what happens when your love for that person runs out. Let's say that I'm interested in a guy. What happens when my interest runs out? So the obvious question that would be asked when that happens is.

"Did I couple with the right person?"

Commonly asked question but usually kept to self or shared with friends. Right? Which idiot would ask his/her partner that >.< Coming back to my point.

Every relationship has a cycle. In the beginning, you fell in love with your partner. You anticipated their call, to hear their voice, wanted their touch and blind to all their unconventional behaviors or habits. In other words you were willing to ignore their idiosyncrasies.

Falling in love wasn't difficult, was it? It was a completely natural, spontaneous and passive experience. You didn't have to DO anything, it just happened. That's why it is called FALLING in love. It implies that you were just standing there, doing nothing, and something came along and it happened.

After a while, the euphoria you two had together fades. It's a natural cycle of every relationship. Slowly, but surely, phone calls grow less, touch is not always welcomed (if it even happens) and your partner's idiosyncrasies become an annoyance, instead of being cute. So... this is when people start cheating on their partners.

Not saying that you couldn't fall in love with someone else. You could. But it's only temporary. You'd end up in the same situation, in due time. It's a sick cycle.


I think the key to succeeding in a relationship is not finding the right person. It's learning to love the person you've found.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What am I spreading?

I'm here for a different reason today. For once I am here to spread hairpenis!

No.. no typo anywhere.

Yes... I was serious about hairpenis =/

If you didn't get what I'm trying to get through here, try reading it outloud.

Here say it with me...

"I am looking for hair-penis."

Get it yet???


I meant happiness.. Get it get it???? Hair penis, happiness??? Cute right!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Who says?

Here's a short short story. About a bird and her partner =)
I cried. When I read it.
Hope it touches you like it did me.

Little sparrow swooped too low...and got hit by a car.
She sits on the sidewalk, unable to fly.

Her partner hears her cry and flew down to her aid.

Unfortunately he could not carry her.
He couldn't help her.

Realising she was about to stop breathing, he called out to her.

Finally, her heart stops.
He grieves over his partners death.

And stays by her side...


And who said animals do not have feelings?

Friday, April 17, 2009

"Venture capitalist"

A venture capitalist is a person or investment firm that makes venture investments, and these venture capitalists are expected to bring managerial and technical expertise as well as capital to their investments.

Normally venture capitalists borrow money to businesses who cannot receive loans from bank. What I want to bring about are "venture capitalists" who are a little close to home...


Everyone knows who are Ah Longs and what they do right? Individuals who lend money to stupid people. Usually for gambling debts. To be honest, I don't think people who gamble are very smart. Wait, let me rephrase that. People who gambles money away and need to seek help from other people to settle their debts are idiots. I have nothing against rich people who's looking for ways to spend money.

I remember I read this comment text in the newspaper. "Get Ah Long's off the streets. They are ruining peoples lives." Or somewhere along those lines. I beg to differ with that statement. First things first. Ah Longs don't ruin peoples lives. People ruin their own lives by developing a self devotion to gambling. Everyone knows the terms and conditions before Ah Longs borrow money. 1. Daily interest. 2.Must repay by due date.

Correct?? Very clear right?

Yet people still go to them. I don't get it. Don't give me that, "They were desperate," shyt. Life's full of choices. It just depends on which you want to make. Yes these 'businesses' are illegal and should be stopped. But think about it. How many businesses are straight nowadays? I seriously don't blame Ah Longs more than do I blame the people that borrow money from them. People don't run businesses that don't make money. Ah Longs are not stupid people.

So you want to curb the illegal borrowing culture?

Get everyone to stop borrowing from them. There is no business to run if there is no demand.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

grownups and freedom

Grown ups have freedom (Duh!). It's not exactly what I want to blog about. I think most parents have a problem with giving their kids freedom. Oh come on, admit it! Anyway, this post is mainly for parents. Even if you're a single parent, normal parent or parent-to-be. Point of view or confession from a teen. Actually legally I'm an adult.. but I am still living and dependent on my parents. So I'm still referring myself as a teenager (or I'm in denial! lol).

It's about time I went to my point. I'm crapping too much. Here goes..

I'm actually very fortunate to have parents who care about me enough to be protective over me. I admit every parents need to be protective. It's a part of nature anyway. A tigress would kill anyone who goes near her cubs. It's parental instinct and is understandable if not acceptable. But being over-protective is another thing.

With all due respect, I hope you don't get offended when I say it is annoying. Why do I say so? Us, teens (teens meaning aged 13-18), mind has developed a lot since we've been in primary school. Shouldn't parents begin trusting us already? If not, then when? I'm not saying as parents you shouldn't worry. I'm saying that parents should be confident with how they've raised their kids to be reliable and trustworthy.

If you're worried that your kids might be mixing with the wrong crowd, take the liberty to encourage your kids to bring their friends over once in a while. So you'd be able to see what kind of crowd your child is hanging out with. I'm pretty sure most parents would've also taught their kids what kind of people they should mix with and what to not. Also, use your own judgment on your child's character and thinking. There are some teens who mature faster than other. Not trusting them to find a good circle of friends is an insult to their intelligence. Again, this is how it gets annoying.

Another point I want to make clear. Never accuse your kid for anything. You might be thinking, "Who are you to tell me what to do? You're not even a parent." I want to remind you again these are all confessions from a teenage mind. My only hope is that parents begin to TRY to see through their kids eyes. Back to my point. Do NOT accuse your kid of going to a cyber cafe when they haven't. Do NOT accuse your kid of lying if you don't know for sure. This will only spark flames. AND you can forget your kid ever telling you anything anymore. Serious. Think about it. What if someone accuses you of something you didn't do? Wouldn't you feel offended, if not irritated? Try not to aggravate your kid. Unless of course you see (see with your own eyes not some proof-less news from someone) your kid doing something they're not suppose to. Then of course, I have no objection with you carrying out any forms of punishments which you feel suitable.

Us, teens know our parents worry. But, please allow space for us to grow (I didn't mean physically). Of course don't expect us to be the perfect daughter or son. We're humans. People screw up once in a while. You can't protect us forever. You can't always prevent us from making mistakes. Only try to prevent us from making the BIG ones.

teens and freedom

Today a younger friend of mine complained about his dad being too protective over him. I've never seen him so pissed in my life! Well, I only knew him for a few months. He's actually pretty mature for his age, so I was surprised that he exploded. Though I'm glad he can confide in me.

I tend to forget how annoying parents get when they're overprotective. Maybe because my parents are hardly like that. Or, not like that anymore since I am already...oops, I wish not reveal my age. Anyways.

While my friend was spilling his heart to me, I started reminiscing about when I was his age (which is not very long ago! Don't start thinking I'm an old goose). I remember whenever I wanted to go out with my friends, I had to be chaperoned by my mom and their moms. Remember, Strawberry?? There was this one time we invited some guy friends out with us too (totally oblivious that our moms were actually following us). Got busted (Duh!). My mom was upset of course. Not because I invited guys out but because I lied to her about going out with my girlfriends only.

Come to think of it.

If I were a mother. I would be worried to let my kid (daughter or son) out with their friends too. Why?

1. Are her/his friends good influence? It is very scary to see teenagers hanging out in alleys. Smoking. Smoking weed. Going to Internet cafe's with spikey haired tattoo-ed people. I seriously wouldn't want my son/daughter to grow up like that. If they really want to do it, they can. When they are no longer financially dependent on me or their dad. By that time they're old enough to make their own decisions on what kind of life they want to live.

2. Where are they going? Can I really trust they are going to watch a movie? Can I really trust they are going to watch a DECENT movie?

3. They are still 'my babies'! Sadistic rapists and kidnappers are running around freely in this unpredictable world! (I object if you said guys cannot be raped too. I remember this case where this sick man kidnapped a boy and shoved a stick up his ass. True story. I swear.) Will they be home for dinner?

Because my kids are my flesh and blood. Of course I would worry, I worry about almost everything what more my own kids? They will always be my babies, even after they've grown white hair and needs a cane to walk (if God allows me to live so long to see my kids grow old! Which is unlikely). Prevention is better than cure. Maybe teens should start seeing things through their parents eyes to see where they're coming from. No parents want to torture their kids for fun (if there is then they can go rot in hell).

But of course parents should also try to see things through their kids eyes. Which is what my next post is going to be about.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

breast rash?

I got this e-mail from a friend. Saying that females should wash their bras after purchasing them before using it, men too if they want to wear bras. Observe what happens if you don't!

Okie the one on the left is a picture of a lotus seeds. The one on the right is a picture "of a woman's breast infested with maggots" Gross?

I think with the wonders of photoshop nowadays, everyone can edit or make nothing look like something. Or make something look like nothing. Like blemishes.

It's gross if you believe the maggot thing is real. But I highly doubt it. The story holds certain "information" that is really... unbelievable. I don't find it convincing. At all.

"Susan McKinley noticed a very strange rash on her left breast. Nobody knew what it was and she quickly dismissed it believing that the holes would leave in time. She decided to see a doctor after she started developing an intense pain."

Out of that context. D'you notice anything weird? "Nobody knew what it was.." So means she went around showing her breasts off to people? "She quickly dismissed it...holes would leave in time." Wouldn't you get your lazy ass straight to the hospital if there were holes in your breasts?????

"She decided to bandage her sores. After few weeks, see doctor, delay bla bla bla... she removed the bandages to find larvae growing and squirming within the pores and sores of her breasts."

She doesn't change her bandage daily?? No wonder got larvae..

So like... don't get scammed by these hoax e-mails. Seriously. I feel very offended that people test my intellect by typing these types of e-mail. Even though, I'm assuming.. they meant well.

Ladies.. Though this is not a real breast infection. Please. Wash your undergarments after purchase. I didn't type this to encourage negligence of hygiene.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Can't count on technology anymore. Everything works fine when you don't need it, then it chooses to cock up once you do. Why am I so grumpy? MY FRICKING PRINTER WON'T PRINT RIGHT. Pictures come out with these ugly lines on it. Screw it. I don't care bout my MPW folio anymore. Who needs to pass MPW anyway? Bloody waste of my time.

Miss Hanz

My bestie blogged about strangers adding random people on friendster, face book and so on. I'm sure everyone has that experience. Except those who don't have friendster, face book of course. She mentioned people adding friends just for the sake of numerals. I on the other hand disagree. From which point? They're not friends if you don't know them.

"Who the hell is this person adding me?"

Is something I would say. I hate it when people add you, but don't contact you. Clearly they're not adding you for the purpose of being friends. I don't know the purpose of them adding you. If they don't really have the intention of being friends. Then please. GETAWAY!

True. Those sites are for us to get to know other people, not just keep in touch with friends you already know. But the fact is, once they add you, they never message you. Forwarded messages don't count. My friendster is exploding with them right now. A comment like "Thanks for accepting my add" doesn't count. "Thanks for the add" when it was them who added you. It gets annoying.

Annoyance I do not need.

These are partly the reason why I don't friendster or myspace anymore.

Monday, April 13, 2009

When's the right age for sex?

Firstly I actually don't like using the word 'sex', I much prefer to use the term of 'make love'. What's the difference between sex and make love? Both of them actually means sexual intercourse anyway. Make love sounds more polite and usually between a couple. Not just any random Tom, Dick and Harry you come across. Sex sounds like something you do just for the sake of satisfying your lust. Like a one night stand.

Making love is a wonderful act between 2 people in love and its God's way of recreating life. I think humans are the only animals with enough creativity to commercialize sex. It is instinctive and part of nature. There's actually nothing wrong with it. Nowadays when you hear people use the word 'sex' you automatically picture porno. From there you think about other stuff like masturbation. Correct?

Everyone (hopefully everyone) will one day experience it. I bet you're wondering, if it is a natural act, why then are there so many objections from parents and why is so taboo?

Actually I think adults are not so worried about their children having sex but rather the fear of them making the wrong choice and the inability to face the consequences that it brings. I may be wrong. I'm not a parent. I would like a mom or a dad to correct me if I'm wrong. Teenagers however, don't think much. Well a lot of teenagers never think of the consequences before doing anything. Hence, teenagers are stupid. There are some who are especially brainless and they are those who think they can be independent and away from their parents. Teenagers are actually bound to their parents. In terms of income/allowance, shelter, education, etc. I think I'm running from the point. I'll blog about teenage independence another time.

Then again I don't solely blame teenagers for being curious about this physical passion because the urge can many times be overwhelming to teenagers going through puberty and with the easy access to pornography on the Internet and on the street corners. Puberty is actually quite hard to handle. You have teenagers with testosterone and progesterone exploding out of their ears. Of course I don't mean that in literacy.

I always believe that making love has great consequences and a person should be mature mentally before indulging in it. Most parents fear unwanted pregnancy and diseases, particularly AIDS that could destroy their child's life due to just a few moments of pleasure and the worst part of it is that the male (in most cases) are not willing to take responsibility for nor are their stable enough to admit to the pregnancy.

Here's some cold hard facts to you girls. It's not pleasing to the ears, but it's reality. Stop dreaming. A guy will say whatever you want to hear just to have sex with you and unlike girls, guys can have sex with anybody without any emotional attachment. This means that they will say they love and care for you (what women likes to hear most) and you consenting to sex is the proof of your love for him. Crap. If he really loves you, he will never force you to have sex. He wouldn't even think of hurting you that way. On top of that, remember that to a guy, getting a girl's virginity is like a trophy or an achievement. It's gives him something to brag about.

So think it through twice if not a hundred times before you give yourself up to a guy. I hope you'd instill a fear of damage. It's good deterrence.

If you really are that desperate to be loved physically then there's really no one who can stop you except yourself. It's not so much of what age you lose your virginity. It's who you lose it to.

Don't get me wrong. I'm strong on my grounds when I say I oppose pre-marital sex.

Amanda Spears

In my life I've received countless numbers of chain mail. Or.. chain e-mail, actually. It's annoying. I told my friends never to send me chain e-mails because it eats up my precious few seconds to delete them. Why send them to me when I'm gonna end up deleting it? Okay, they listened. For a while. Now people are sending me chain e-mails again. I picked one and opened it, just to see what people are forwarding nowadays since I have not opened any since 2007. It revealed super large fonts which are very irritating because they think it's easier to read that way when it actually doesn't help at all. MY EYESIGHT IS FINE. Everyone elses' eyesight are fine too seeing that they can check their e-mails.

This e-mail went straight to the point, cursing me if I don't forward the e-mail. My family members will "have scary and freaky things happening on you". Their broken English doesn't amuse me either. Okay back to the story...

"Two years ago, 2005 (wtf, this e-mail has actually been going around for 2 years??), on a lonely winter night filled with lots of snow in Chichago (they can't even spell Chicago correctly..), a teen girl was brutally murdered, yes after she was being raped (I didn't ask if she was raped, but okay, go on..). She had received a text message from her boyfriend to meet him at the pub they always meet at hours before her death (so...she went to the pub where she always died?)."

Argh.. I can't type it anymore. He raped her, suffocated her and chopped her into pieces. Now anyone who passes the place of her death can hear her whisper into their ears, "You are walking on my the place where I was killed." Wow.. even after she can't even get a life after she died. Ironic. If I died and my spirit is still lingering on earth I would explore places I've never been before. I wouldn't have to worry about the scourching sun or being hit by a car. She, however, just sits on her death spot whispering into people's ears for sympathy. Pathetic.

Then the e-mail went on saying there were many cases where people scoffed and didn't bother to forward it. Like what I'm doing. Case #1, this guy named Jack, received a disturbing call from "Amanda Spears," the ghost. After that he went for a shower, his last shower. His mom found him chopped up in the bathroom and on the mirror was a message, "Your son deserved it." Wow, Amanda Spears even knew it was his mom who would find his body first. I'm assuming whoever typed this poor imaginative story in apalling English is a Britney Spears fan.

Finally ending with, "Forward this to more than 20 people, and no sending back people." 'Sending back people'? Sigh...so unprofessional. It's not even convincing.

Oh My Fab Goose!! I saw a girl stand next to me! What The Fish! She's gonna chop me cause I didn't want to forward the e-mail! She's gonna cook me too since I openly condemned her on my blog!"

Yeah right.

Easter Sunday phantom?

I went to church yesterday for Easter Sunday. Not that I don't go to church regularly. Okay, I don't. But do attend when I can. Or when I can wake up. Gah, that's not the point. I went to church and I saw many many faces. Not surprising. Most of them are S.O.C. Special Occasion Congregation. Again I'd like to stress I don't mean to offend you if you can relate to what I'm typing. I'm not apologizing if you do though, because if you were offended, then you and I would know that you are a S.O.C and I hope you feel guilty about that. If you don't then... why bother going to church? You suck.

Back to my point. Where was I? Faces, yes. There was this new guy in church. Early 30's...late 20's. I can't really tell. I'm bad at guessing ages. I'm actually bad at guessing, so why do I even bother. I am not being mean.. but he was quite unattractive. If I were required to say what hit my mind the first time I saw him is, The Phantom of the Opera. I'm sure you know the story.

He looked sad. I'm not very sure either. I can't tell if he's smiling. I smiled at him, but I don't think he saw me, or probably he thought I was smiling at someone else. I wanted to talk to him, you know, make him feel more welcomed in the church, but I hadn't the guts too. Language was always a problem for me. Speak English and I can chat with you from dawn till dusk. Speak anything else I probably won't stick around much.

Anyways, later at night, I asked my mom who he was. She didn't know his name but knew a little of his background. You know women. Gossip. You get the idea. I don't think I should state where he's from. I think that information isn't even important in this whole context. He was born with an unpleasant appearance. So much so that his parents didn't want him. My church took him in and raised him.

I told you it sounded like Phantom of the Opera.


He went through countless operations just to make him look a little better each time. Okay, I exaggerated. It's countable. Maybe 10 or more. I'm a person who strongly opposes the idea of plastic surgery. Especially for girls and models and other stars you can think of who want to artificially look better. C'mon, who wants plastic as a face? Or silicons as boobs?

I started feeling sorry for the guy. Imagine the life he had to go through. No, seriously. We're living in a society where looks matter.. alot more than it should. People are blindlessly being scammed to think that looks is everything. His social life must be difficult. Again, I am not being mean. It made me learn to appreciate how I look. I grew up thinking I'm ugly (Not that anyone's ever told me that I'm ugly). I won't and still don't consider myself as a pretty girl, but I am thankful for having normal eyes, nose, mouth and other sensory organs.

If he's still around next Sunday, I'm going to talk to him. Maybe we could become friends. Age isn't a factor. I'm not doing it because I feel sorry for him. I'm doing it because I want to. I owe him big time =) Because of him, I learnt to be thankful of who I am and what I look like.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


I started this blog some what like a symbol of a new beginning for me. I wanna make a change in my life and hopefully from that change I have an impact on other peoples lives. First question.. Are you someone who admires people, who follows other peoples footsteps and who is being influenced (in good way and in bad way)? Don't you want to be the one who is admired for a change (not for beauty, that is so overrated), set footsteps for other people to follow, be...influential? Assuming that you, are not already these things.

Yeah well, I do too. So heck with you if you're different but refuse to embrace your specialty. I got no respect for people trying to fit in when they don't. Who you are is who you should be. Be proud of it. Why fit in when you can stand out? I always say that to my friends. They don't listen. Nobody listens. By the way, this doesn't apply to fashion as strongly as other aspects. Though I am very strong on my grounds where I wear what I want to wear. I wear what is comfortable. When I'm comfortable I'm happy. If you're not happy that I am happy then screw you. I'm running from what I want to get through. People look for exquisite things. Would you pay more for a shirt that everyone has, or for a shirt that no one has? Not odd.. but different.

See my point? Being different has its advantages, you get to be noticed. You get to be recognized. What you are recognized for depends on how you carry yourself. You can be a total knockout hot chick and people will recognize you as an angel in human form. You can be a total knockout hot chick and people recognizes you as a slut instead.

Another thing I find very, very, very irritating.

"I want to change," you say but you never do anything about it. So what's the point? If you're not working for it then clearly it's not something you really want. Agree? So don't tell me "Oh my God, how did you get so high marks? So lucky. I'm so jealous." It's sickening. I'm not lucky, I worked for it. You want good grades then study for it. You don't expect me to hold myself back from excelling just to accommodate to your comfort. How much you work put in is how much you get. You don't expect a farmer to sow 3 corn seeds and harvest baskets and baskets full of corn, do you?

Then don't expect the same in life.

Don't just say it, do it. I'm not promoting Nike with their cliche "Just do it" slogan.

Change can only come from within. You don't wait for someone to tell you you're fat before you go on a diet. Or to tell you you're stupid before you start studying. You can only change if you REALLY want to change. Get my drift?